Episode 28: The role of feminine mystics in the modern world

In today’s episode, I interview a profoundly special person in my life, my mentor Dr. Violetta Pleshakova. In this episode, Violetta and I discuss the role of feminine mystics in the modern world. We discuss how leaders benefit from a connection with feminine magic and how the union between divine feminine and masculine was revered in ancient times. We explore how the return of feminine mysticism will be instrumental for our evolution on earth. We discuss some of the facets of the divine feminine, including the Initiatrix and the Kingmaker.

This is a deep and impactful episode that you’ll want to listen to twice.

~ Dr. Jennie Ward

To connect with Violetta: 

Website: https://templeofstarfire.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/starfirepriestess/

To connect with me: 

Apply for the Private Practice Mentorship Group: https://forms.gle/72XnhuDPxgBcPms57

Apply to work with me in the Mastery Paradigm: https://forms.gle/9YrukzKrQsjU5hARA

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thewisdomportal/

Contact at info@wisdomportal.ca


Episode 29. Dream interpretation and channeling with Jessica Lee


Episode 27. The dark side of the psychology world