Episode 9. key strategies for mastering anxiety
In today’s episode, Dr. Ward describes key strategies for mastering anxiety that she teaches her clients in individual therapy, her therapy group and online anxiety course.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
A simple understanding of some of the biological mechanisms underlying anxiety
Some basics of Polyvagal Theory and how you can use this to soothe your body and mind
The bio/psycho/social model of understanding mental health and how it can be used to reduce self-blame about anxiety
The Motivational Triad and how it helps us stay safe, but doesn’t help us grow
How to activate the parasympathetic nervous system in order to soothe our anxiety
Key concepts to mastering anxiety, including:
The fact that “neurons that fire together, wire together”
The importance of dealing with problems early, if possible
Self-awareness as an important first step
How to breathe in a way that reduces anxiety
Mindfulness and how it helps many emotional problems
How to be informally mindful
A simple formula for meditating
The importance of approaching, not avoiding problems
How to allow emotions to be felt
The value of small, consistent actions in managing anxiety
A method for scheduling in what is important to us
How to identify and modify your “mind drama”
The benefit of keeping your Future Self in mind when making daily choices