Episode 5. One of the biggest missing pieces for happiness
There is something that many of us would benefit from doing more of. It’s the opposite of what society has historically valued and therefore we just don’t tend to do it enough.
In today’s episode you’ll learn about:
Society’s focus on action and hustle and how this is imbalanced and damaging
Masculine vs feminine energy and the direction that society is moving in
The importance of balancing rest and activity
Dr. Ward’s struggle with rest and her history of working too hard
Dr. Ward’s shaman and her suggestion for increasing rest
Kids and sports and how to deal with the busyness
The delivery service that changed Dr. Ward’s life
The shift to be able to work from home and how this contributes to both balance and imbalance
How to vacation in a way that is truly restful
Suggestions for two-income households
How to use the Pareto Principle to simplify your life
Increasing your capacity to receive help
Being realistic about how much time things actually take
The importance of restful hobbies